If you are an independent provider of accommodation - hotel, guesthouse, B&B, inn, cottage, apartment or other self-catering - you are eligible to join.
There are two classes of BedPosts membership:
- As a newcomer to BedPosts you join as a free member entitling you to use the community software to communicate with 1000 other members; to get the "member" BedPosts badge; to advertise your businesses on BedPosts.org.uk; and get other notified benefits. Then you can:
- Upgrade to Club Class for a small annual fee, currently £50, to take advantage of a raft of superior additional benefits listed on the benefits and activities page to the left.
Act now
- Upgrade from free-to-join member to Club Class (through login if not logged in now) or
- Join as a free member (you are an independent accommodation provider - not part of a chain)
The act of upgrading generates an invoice in your account. You can start enjoying the benefits with immediate effect and before payment. However the invoice must be paid within 3 weeks otherwise the upgraded benefits are withdrawn.
As the Business Club will be assisting you with your marketing activities your accountant will, no doubt, allow this as a business expense against tax. So the net cost of your subscription could end up being £40 (or less) set against corporation or income tax.